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Help Create a Nonvisually Accessible Maryland

Technology that is nonvisually accessible, which can be accessed and operated using audio and Braille, creates opportunities for the blind to live, work, and play as fully participating members of our communities. When done correctly, building innovative, universally designed technologies is simple, cost effective, and beneficial to blind and sighted users alike. The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), in collaboration with Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD), through Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Access (CENA) to Education, Public Information, and Commerce, works to ensure that websites, employment systems, educational technology, consumer electronics, and other devices and systems are nonvisually accessible to the blind citizens of Maryland.

The NFB has developed an online accessibility survey to determine the greatest areas of need, to provide a vehicle for discovery of future gaps, and to create training programs and resources to fill the need for more significant reform related to nonvisual accessibility. The survey is available online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CENAsurvey

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