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5th annual M-Enabling Summit June 13-14, 2016 in Washington, DC.  The M-Enabling Summit is the only global conference and showcase exclusively dedicated to leveraging the latest information technology innovations for seniors and users of all abilities.  It is an annual meeting place for all who create and contribute to accessible ICT products, services and consumer technologies. With its theme of “Accessible Technologies and Environments for All,” the M-Enabling Summit will provide a platform for empowering mobile technologies and focus on next-generation innovations and breakthroughs for users of all abilities.  Bringing together professionals, corporations, service organizations, and key thought leaders, the M-Enabling Summit is an all-inclusive conference and showcase featuring innovative technology, mobile applications, connected devices, and services for this sector’s more than one-billion users worldwide. With accessible and assistive solutions at the forefront of the mobile industry it is becoming an essential differentiator and competitive advantage. The M-Enabling Summit highlights the unprecedented opportunities of the mobile industry in this rapidly expanding market. The 5th edition of the M-Enabling Summit Global Conference and Showcase will be held on June 13-14, 2016 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, in Washington, D.C.

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