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From kids to senior citizens, smart medical devices are in the news quite a bit. Making sure they’re accessible and usable is a whole other challenge, but in the world of AT, that is the ever-present challenge. This week’s news trends include quite the focus on medical devices, prosthetics, and much more. AT in the news for the week of 11/2 thru 11/6.

Blind Man Uses Instagram To Share Images

QingDao Unique unveils first-ever prosthetic 3D printer

The next generation of exoskeletons should be flexible, scientists say

Technology that helps people with disabilities often helps the rest of society

Kids Can Work Around Challenges Thanks to Assistive Technology

Kayaking Enthusiast Creates 3D Printed Assistive Paddle Grips for People with Disabilities

New Push for Pint-Sized Medical Devices to Treat Sick Kids

Amazon to Caption 190K+ Films and TV Shows by 2017

MakerBot Thingiverse Celebrates One Million Uploads And 200 Million Downloads

Nissan begins testing its driverless car on the streets of Japan

Accessibility Requires App Developers To Consider Every End User

 “Why This Audio Map for the Blind Offers an Open-Data Roadmap for the Country”

The Aging Population and Medical Devices

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