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The BuzzClip

Contributed by Joel Zimba, Special Projects Coordinator, MDTAP

A canadian company has launched a project on IndieGogo to develop a device they call the BuzzClip.  The BuzzClip is a navigational tool which detects objects at a distance via the reflection of ultrasonic waves.  While the concept is not new, the BuzzClip is a much smaller and generally more refined version of similar devices.

There are many  ways to use the device.  It can be clipped on to clothing in any desired position.  For example, if clipped to a collar, it could detect objects at head level, which might go unnoticed through typical cane use.  Several other use cases are suggested on the IndieGogo page.

A few years ago, I helped to develop a similar device with the help of VLinc, a Maryland-based non-profit which develops one-off assistive technology.

My particular incarnation was designed to be worn on the wrist, which could also be done with the Buzzclip.  From the technical information available, the BuzzClip appears to be smaller than the prototype from 2012 and it uses vibration, rather than variation in pressure, which likely helps in shrinking the device foot print.

Many pieces of assistive technology have been crowd-funded in recent years–the Bradley tactile watch for example.  I expect this trend to continue as development of hardware for such a niche market can be difficult through treditional funding methods.

For more information about the BuzzClip or to contribute to their effort, check out their page on IndieGogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-buzzclip-wearable-ultrasound-for-the-blind#/

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