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The makers have it this week. Makerspaces in hospitals, Maker AT challenges, etc. If you like this sort of thing, you’re gonna love this week’s news (and seriously, how often does anyone ever get to say that?!?!). AT in the news for the week of 9/28 thru 10/2.

Airports Across the Globe Begin to Discuss Accessibility

Brain implant memory loss breakthrough

How ad-blocking software could revolutionize disabled people’s lives

New app will help people with autism influence tech developments

There’s an app for that: how assistive tech changes lives of people with autism

MakerBot Announces Assistive Technology Challenge on Thingiverse

Most dangerous US industry shows growing need for accessible agriculture

India’s new currency to help millions of visually disabled handle money

College Programs for Students with Disabilities Are “Changing Culture”

Technologies Fostering Development of New Assistive Devices; $15 Billion in Market Gains by 2020, Says BCC Research

Mobile robots could help the elderly live fuller lives

Dutch Scientists Develop A-gear Novel Wearable Dynamic Arm For Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Makers create a better world: In partnership with Intel, we see how America’s Greatest Makers do good

Nation’s First Medical Makerspace Opens Inside Texas Hospital

Microsoft shows how the Narrator feature helps make Microsoft Edge more accessible

Future of immersive gaming gear for the blind

Dog trainer creating emergency dialer button

How to captions & subtitles work on iPhone videos [TUTORIAL]

[Video] Check out this video on Touch Accommodations, a new accessibility feature in iOS 9

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