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We’ve blogged about this before but just in case you missed it –

The National Home Builders Association now maintains a searchable online directory allowing consumers to search for a variety of home professionals including Aging in Place Specialists and Certified Active Adults in Housing Specialists.

Aging in Place Specialists evaluate homes to determine what barriers currently exist in a home, identify needed modifications, and ensure that homes are “aging ready” to better meet the needs of seniors.

To search for an Aging in Place Specialist in your community, visit the National Home Builders Association’s searchable directory and narrow your search to CAPS designees in your region, or call 1-800-368-5242.

2 Responses to “Aging in Place Specialists, 8/10/15”

  1. Oh, PP, I wasn’t clear enough. I’ve thought it common knowledge that Jesus will ultimately marry for eternity, if He wasn’t in this life. It makes sense to me that He was, but maybe not. Since I read that book on the Inquisition, I’m convinced that the answers to many of these questions are hidden in the Vatican.

  2. We never came across any bugs really while in Hawaii, but lots of geckos.That pile ‘o midges looks like May flies we get here (in June?-wtf?). Gross, but glad you were able to find other arrangements.God piss-snort!

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