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Tax Policy – New ABLE Act Resource Available    

In December 2014, the Stephen Beck, Jr.  Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was signed into law.  Since that time, over 50% of the states have passed their own version(s) of the bill and are now turning their attention to implementing the program.  In an effort to assist individuals with I/DD, their families, and advocates in tracking their states’ progress in this endeavor, The Arc has produced a resource outlining each state’s implementation status.  This chart details the effective date and the implementation date of their state’s Act; contact information for the administering agency; as well as any current details on implementation.  The Arc plans to update this document regularly in an effort to provide the most current information, as well as to manage expectations as to the availability of ABLE accounts in a particular state.  If you would like to view this document, please do so here.

Source: The Arc’s Capitol Insider

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