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There are gadgets and gizmos a-plenty, whozits and whatzits galore! (Am I totally dating myself with this?) But seriously, if you want a bionic suit…that’s happening. Or a smart glove that tells you pretty much anything…that’s happening too. Check it all out right here- AT in the news for the week of 6/1 thru 6/5.

A new feature makes ride-hailing easier for deaf drivers

Bionic suit moving wheelchair users to motion is slow growth w/a $6M feel

Another survey confirming what we know is true: people w/disabilities continue striving to work

5 Things To Know About the Challenges Facing Wearable Devices (5 Things To Know IBM Redbooks Blog)

Truly handsfree. New smartphone uses head movement to control phone, play games, check email etc.

Smart Glove To Assist Blind Folks When They Shop For Groceries

“We’re in the middle of a revolution in tech for people w/ impairments”

Queens teacher uses music to help disabled students

Hacking for those with disabilities

How to turn your iPhone and iPad into capable assistive technology

What It’s Like to be Blind in the Age of the Internet

Teenage Inventors Create Life-Changing Device For Wheelchair Users, Give It Away For Free

How Christine Sun Kim, deaf sound artist, hears everything

Tablets Can Help Elderly Cross the ‘Digital Divide’

Why Your Child Needs Augmentative & Alternative Communication

Disabled youngster has bionic hand created by 3D printer

Great advances being made in assistive technology

New Hearing Technology Brings Sound To A Litte Girl

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