The Golden Apples of 2014
Contributed by Joel Zimba, Special Projects Coordinator, MDTAP
Once upon a time, I wrote a blog post about the excellent resource, It is devoted to iOS apps and Mac applications from a blind perspective. This is a huge job, and the staff, along with an active user community, keep Applevis running strong.
The 3rd annual Golden Apple awards were just published by AppleVis. These are awards given out for the best apps of the year. Many of the names will seem familiar if you follow the Assistive Technology Blog.
VoiceDream Reader won theBest iOS App of 2014. For a more thorough review of this App, you can read a previous Blog post. One great feature of VoiceDream worth mentioning here is the way in which it handles PDF files. If you are running iOS 8, VoiceDream is one of the options for opening any PDF file. You can read through a PDF in two ways with VoiceDream. The built-in player will read remarkably well, especially with regard to columns and other tricky bits of PDF mark-up. You can also examine a document in minute detail using standard VoiceOver controls. VoiceDream is continuously updated and continues to be my book reader app of choice.
As expected, the excellent KNFB Reader App won Best Assistive App. It has been discussed at length both here and all over the Web.
MIPsoft was given the best iOS Developer award. They make BlindSquare, which is a navigation app. Not to tip the editorial hand of the Assistive Technology Blog, but you can look forward to reviews and demonstrations of accessible navigation apps (including BlindSquare) in 2015.
For the full list of categories and contenders in the Golden Apple Awards, head over to And if you are looking for a way to occupy the family over the holidays, perhaps the Games category will have some suggestions to your liking!