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The Center on Effective Rehabilitation Technology service delivery (CERT) conducted a baseline survey of Statewide AT Act Programs in 2010, to assess and establish the state-of-practice in RT/AT service delivery, with responses from almost 70% of programs.  Data from the survey was used to establish a baseline of practice throughout the country, assist with identifying benchmarks to evaluate the programs CERT selects for in-depth study, and pinpoint areas for exploration through case studies.

The key findings from the first survey were:

  • Consumers Served: Persons with multiple disabilities (89%) and sensory impairments (68%) received the highest proportion of RT/AT services.  People with TBI, cognitive disabilities, and psychosocial disabilities remain least served in terms of RT/AT services.
  • Consumer Involvement: 90% of responding programs stated that clients are involved in making decisions about the type of RT/AT provided.  However, 76% stated that client knowledge of RT/AT limits their involvement with procurement of devices.
  • Perceived gaps in service delivery: Top perceived gaps in providing RT/AT services included (i) understanding user perspectives on attitudes about, and comfort with, RT/AT (ii) assessing fit between RT/AT and the environment of use, and (iii) availability for supports, assistance, accommodations and maintenance for successful use.
  • Matching Person and Technology: The following requirements of RT/AT solutions are matched with consumer resources: Most often (> 50%): Physical, sensory, and cognitive demands for selected RT/AT; Less often (20-50%): Expense, support services and maintenance, training, and environments; Least often (< 20%): Method of service delivery.

More survey findings can be accessed at: http://bbi.syr.edu/_assets/docs/projects/cert/cert_prelim_finding_baseline.pdf

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