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As part of an effort to improve caption quality, the FCC released new closed captioning best practices, which will go into effect on January 15, 2015.

VITAC, which worked with the agency to develop recommended practices, has condensed the 150-page document into a one-page reference sheet.

The new rules address realtime and offline captioning and aim to improve the captioning experience for all users.  Quality captions are a team effort, so the regulations are divided into Video Programmer responsibilities and VITAC responsibilities. Highlights of the new responsibilities include:


Video Programmers:

  • Caption prerecorded programs with offline workflow. “Live-to-tape” is no longer acceptable in most cases.
  • Provide relevant prep materials for live shows, i.e. guest names, song lyrics, and show rundowns.
  • Communicate caption issues to captioners in a timely manner.

  • Ensure captions are verbatim, error-free, synched, and include speaker ID’s and sound effects.
  • Verify Captioners are prepared and in position prior to their scheduled assignment.
  • Monitor captions and alert video programmers of technical issues.

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