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It wouldn’t be an AT wrap up if we didn’t include something about Kanye West’s recent debacle. But we’ve also got some pretty amazing things, like a new breath to morse code gadget (so many possibilities there!), a sound-identifying app that is in prototype, iPhones with bigger screens for seniors, and lots of other goodies. Have at it… AT News Wrap Up for the week of 9/15 thru 9/19

Higher ed associations, disability rights groups clash over campus technology

OtoSense is an app that hears and learns the sounds of the world

GPS glasses could help the blind ‘see’

AFB’s Mark Richert testified before Congress today to keep copyrighted works #accessible to people with disabilities

Motorized Pants to Help Soldiers and Stroke Victims

Driverless cars, talking ATMs: Disabilities are transforming big business  

Making music with EyeGaze in the real world

Cochlear Implant Music Study, Edmonton; Carrie Anton (video)

Cab companies chosen for DC wheelchair access program

Uber Accused Of Disability Discrimination

Hearing-Impaired Patients Require Special Consideration During a Disaster

16-year-old invents gadget that translates breaths into Morse code

Electric car for the disabled being test driven now

How To Fix Your Service Experience For Customers With Disabilities — What Kanye Should Have Learned

Hi-tech 3D printer to benefit disabled

A woman faces the truth as she slowly goes blind and deaf

iPhones with bigger screens may find eager senior buyers

Farming is a demanding & dangerous career. National AgrABILITY leads the way return to work

Google updates Drive and Docs with improved screen reader, Braille display, and phone support

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