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Safety Tips for the Star-Spangled Spectacular

Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Emergency Preparedness & Equipment Reuse, MDTAP 

The Star-Spangled Spectacular, September 10 to 16, 2014, is the 200th anniversary of our national anthem. A Baltimore harbor map and printable schedule of events are available online. There is also important information for the public, and two of the participating ships, the USS Constellation and USNS Choctaw County, are accessible to those with mobility impairments.

There will be many people at the festival, so staying safe is important. Stay alert and tuned in to your surroundings. Take note of emergency personnel, evacuation exits, restrooms and the location of medical tents or first aid stations. To help prevent dehydration you may want to avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, which increase the risk of dehydration. Guard your personal belongings. Appear calm and confident. Trust your instincts; if something or someone makes you uneasy, leave the area.

If you will be accompanied by a service animal, be mindful if it appears overly excited, unfocused, distracted, overstimulated or otherwise out of control, and be prepared to leave if necessary.

Remember to be patient. An event like this can attract overwhelming crowds. Staying calm can be your best ally in helping you and your loved ones stay safe.

Have fun!

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