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We’ve got two weeks worth of AT news, so, in the spirit of keeping this short and simple, here are the highlights! To read all the latest news, visit us on Twitter @MDTAP.

AT in the news for the weeks of 6/30 thru 7/11

Tapping into technology to reduce social isolation

Students Spend Summer Perfecting Robotic Arm to Help Patients

Can Digital Devices Replace Interpreters?

Inside Accessibility: Apple advances iOS 8 & OS X Yosemite as Android users

New rules require disabled drivers to pay for handicap spots

Eye-Tracking Wheelchair Helps the Severely Disabled Steer New Course

New Aircraft-Friendly Wheelchair Defies Damage

Autism study suggests iPads may provide 16% boost in kids speaking skills

Blind voters suing elections board in hope of online ballot

How Paro the robot seal is being used to help UK dementia patients

3-D printing technology to produce braille books and other objects for people w/disability

ReWalk exoskeleton puts the disabled back on their feet

Eye-tracking wheelchair helps the severely disabled steer new course

Young, Active War Wounded Pushing Medical Science

Innovative eye-tracking technology could transform communication for those paralysed

Will Uber Serve Customers With Disabilities?

Neurobridge Device Bypasses Spinal Cord, Moves Paralyzed Limbs

Sign language and Braille concepts show future of assistive tech

Space-tested robot inspires medicine and manufacturing uses

New York Public School First in U.S. to Feature App for People with Disabilities

Technology, creativity allow children with hearing loss to grow, thrive


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