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We’ve got two weeks worth of AT news, and Wow! Braille reading gloves, vibrating backpacks transmitting music vibes, a bionic pancreas, and the list goes on. Check it all out right here…AT in the news for the weeks of 6/16 thru 6/27

Look inside the smart home that made life easier for a Marine veteran who lost all his limbs

Student Team Wins $25,000 for Prosthetic-limb Startup

New accessibility rules coming to airline websites. Are you ready?

Coping with Dyslexia in the Workplace

5 assistive technology open source programs

Will brain chip give paralyzed man a hand?

UNM professor’s app makes creating music easy

NIH Can Rebuild Him, Launches Bionic Man Tool

High-tech gloves can teach you Braille even if you’re distracted

Soundhawk’s smart earpiece tunes out noise to augment your hearing

Home Run: Kid Amputees Play Ball With Wounded Warriors

After The Fall, A Young Man Chronicles His Life With Multiple Sclerosis

Apple Industry Leader in Assistive Technology

4 ways to make college more accessible for special needs students

5 amazing gadgets that are helping the blind see again

Accessibility for Fire Phone

Backpack turns music into full-body experience for the deaf

Breakthroughs in technology build pathways to inclusion

Scientists Cook Up Microwave Helmet for Early Stroke Identification (VIDEO)

Japanese Robotics Firm Showcases Thought-Controlled Suits

StoryCorps Looks To Record Disability Experience

Banking to be more accessible for people with disabilities

How paralysis forced Michael Graves to design a better wheelchair

This Deaf-Blind Super-Fan Created A Genius System For Watching The World Cup

Game Accessibility Guidelines wins FCC Chairman’s Award for Advancement in Accessibility

Eye-controlled wheelchair developed at Bradford University could transform lives

Danbury inventor’s monitoring device may help autistic people

Most people want to stay at home if diagnosed with dementia but less than half know how

Father Devises A ‘Bionic Pancreas’ To Help Son With Diabetes

Paraplegic Kicks Off World Cup In Exo-Skeleton

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