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Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Emergency Management and Reuse Projects, MDTAP

Financing Assistive Technology (AT) – Some New Resources

Financing AT can be very expensive. Here is short list of specific, helpful resources. For more in-depth information and additional resources, contact MDTAP at 1-800-832-4827.

The Eric Fund is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit, that awards grants twice a year for assistive technology for children and adults with disabilities in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, based on financial need.  Visit The Eric Fund or contact them at (301) 654-1547

The Miracle Ear Foundation has expanded their services to include adults as well as children in need of hearing aids. Visit The Miracle Ear Foundation or call (800) 464-8002.

Medicare Part A coverage includes hospital care, home care; Medicare Part B coverage includes medically necessary services, durable medical equipment. Visit Medicare.gov for more information.

As part of iCanConnect, the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP) enables low-income individuals who are deaf-blind to have access to the internet, and advanced communications, including interexchange services and advanced telecommunications and information services. For more information visit www.iCanConnect.org or call (800) 825-4595 (Voice) or (888) 320-2656 (TTY). For information on how to apply for iCanConnect in Maryland contact Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind, 8720 Georgia Ave, Suite #210, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 or email them at fsweatt@clb.org or call (240) 737-5109

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MDTAP | 2301 Argonne Drive, Room T17 Baltimore, Maryland 21218| Voice: 410-554-9230 Toll Free ⁄ Voice 1-800-832-4827|Email: mdtap@mdtap.org