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NewsFlash  iOS update

Contributed by Joel Zimba, Special Projects Coordinator, MDTAP

If, like me, you have been suffering with inexplicable keyboard problems while using VoiceOver on your iOS device—you are not alone.  This has been a definite, if hard to pin down bug which debuted with the arrival of iOS 7.1.

Today, Apple released iOS 7.1.1, which includes a fix for this vexing VoiceOver problem.  There are also some reports indicating a fix to the speech rate problem with some of the High Quality voices.  While not a stumbling block like the keyboard problem, I’m sure we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief to know E-books will read at the desired rate through the entire book.

The update can be installed  from the “Software Update” section in the Settings app under “General.”

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