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AT in the news for the week of 3/31 thru 4/4

The Need for Congress to Pass the ABLE Act

Robbie the Robot: Personal Assistant for Limbless Teenager

A Gold Gadget That Would Let You Stop Heart Attacks With a Smartphone

‘Avatar’ could care for elderly in future

Wearable Tech Isn’t Just Fashionable, It’s Improving Lives

This robotic exoskeleton is helping the paralyzed walk again

Banks, energy providers and public bodies should be subject to web accessibility rules, vote MEPs

Equal Access App Development: Create an App with Assistive Technology

Dyslexia Software for Windows Tablets Released by Ghotit

A ‘smart cane’ for the visually impaired

Bionic Olympics will come to Switzerland in 2016

Disabled musicians find an Equilibrium

Lehigh University graduate invents fingertip markers for children, disabled

New app lets special students express themselves

Gifted+Learning Disabled = No Desk For You, Says New Study

Amazing story of a 15-year-old theater workshop for deaf-blind actors

Liftware cancels tremor to bring the joy back to mealtime

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