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AT in the news for the week of October 3-7

Disabled individuals find smooth sailing with adaptive programs http://tinyurl.com/3et9muc

Hair-washing Japanese robot is a relief to the ageing population http://tinyurl.com/3roqpnn

Magic table gives disabled child control over her music http://tinyurl.com/3elpjkh

‘This Stuff Doesn’t Change the World’: Disability and Steve Jobs’ Legacy http://tinyurl.com/4x7p928

Remembering Steve Jobs and his contributions to accessible technology: http://bit.ly/nVja9f

7 Tech Breakthroughs That Empower People With Disabilities http://on.mash.to/q4ZFZA

iPhone 4s announced. How does that impact users with disabilities? http://bit.ly/nsJZ72

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month http://fb.me/J73Jm8aM

Making #Android Phones #Accessible to People who are #Blind: http://www.ubergizmo.com/2011/10/att-mobile-accessibility-lite/

Google’s Predictive Pre-Recording: Genius Or Invasion Of Privacy? http://tinyurl.com/6avjusb

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