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AT in the news for the week of 1/27 – 1/31

Could 3D printing provide new solutions for disabled people?

Public University Students Are Now Benefiting from Emotional Support Animals

Accessibility Awards for 2013 Including Mainstream Accessible Game of the Year

Google Glass to Be Covered by Vision Care Insurer VSP

An option for charging AT devices? Modular charger powers up by crank, sun, wind and water

Camp Discovery Uses The iPad to Teach Kids With Autism

AT Device: A new style of walker. Includes higher functioning 4 wheels, lighter weight and easier folding

Senator Calls On Feds To Address Autism Wandering

Northeastern students develop ‘smart bike’ tech to curb cycling deaths (Video)

Assistive Tech Made For Farmers

First look: Humin contacts app forefronts context and privacy

Multisport Wheelchair Helps Motivate People with Disabilities

Disabled veterans can receive $18k grant for wheelchair accessible vehicle or equipment

Bringing pictures to life for those unable to see

GE’s bringing good things, and massive robots, to life

Teacher builds one-handed flute for student with disabilities

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