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Effective Communication During Emergencies

Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Emergency Management and Reuse Projects, MDTAP

Communication is the key to your safety and those around you! Here are some ways to effectively communicate:

Carry a pre-printed accommodation and access card that has your contact information as well as those who can be notified on your behalf. Free, pre-printed accommodation cards are available through Health Bridges for those who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf Blind.  Your accommodation card should include key phrases that will help others communicate with you such as “I cannot hear sirens or alarms” or “I use American Sign Language” or “I need an interpreter.” After your card is created and printed it should be kept with your other identification cards.

Get a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service Weather Radio with text or visual alerts for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. For more information on the Service Weather Radio, visit NOAA.

If you have a Twitter account you can also receive critical updates directly to your phone from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other emergency organizations with Twitter Alerts – the fastest way to get essential information when you need it most.

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