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DREAM, 9/12/13

DREAM – Disability, Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring

DREAM is sponsored by the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Education at Syracuse University and is an organization-in-process, initiated in the hopes of promoting a national (United States-based) disabilities agenda for post-secondary students and their allies and serving as an educational resource and source of support for both individuals and local campus-based groups.  A genuinely cross-disabilities effort, DREAM aims to fully include students with the full range of disabilities–psychiatric, cognitive, developmental, mental, physical, intellectual, sensory, and psychological– explicitly including groups who have been traditionally marginalized or under-represented within the larger disability community.

DREAM advocate’s for the continued development of disability culture and disability pride as well as related sub-cultures and movements (e.g. autistic culture/pride, mad culture/pride) and strongly values physical, mental and neuro diversity.

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