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BJAA Launches New Website 

The Baltimore Jewish Abilities Alliance (BJAA) is a new website created to promote an inclusive, spirited environment that celebrates diversity in the Baltimore community and the uniqueness of every member. The BJAA offers an array of support services in partnership with the agencies of THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. Housed at the Jewish Community Center, the BJAA is an innovative resource that connects individuals and families to one another, in addition to other programs and services. The website serves as a user-friendly gateway to resources in the Jewish or general community for people with disabilities and a forum for individuals and families to interact, share experiences and advice and develop connections. One of the website’s features is the Parent-to-Parent Network, an internet connection that allows families with similar needs to be matched for information sharing, guidance and support. For more information about the BJAA, visit their website at www.jewishabilities.org.

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