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AT in the news for the week of 7/29 – 8/2

AT in Recreation: Learn about the adaptive sport of rock climbing

A Braille smart phone that lets a blind user touch the real-time image of faces & follow facial expressions!

Video: Assistive Technology | Learning Disabilities – NCLD

Researchers developing communication app for children with autism An inspirational woman, her dog and her technology

[VIDEO] Wearable computer gives visually impaired a way to read

Delta Airlines Humiliates Disabled Man, Forces Him To Crawl Across Tarmac Three Times (VIDEO)  

Improving the white cane

On Friday, we celebrated the 23rd Anniversary of the passage of the ADA. This is a great PSA showing the impact of the ADA

The ABLE Act: Promoting Inclusion and Independence

Special Needs Classroom Access Package Designed by AbleNet Now Offered

Boys With Autism Or ADHD More Prone To Overuse Video Games

How to use Proloquo2Go communication app on iPad if you are a switch user? This short video shows you how

3-D printers turn ideas into items

BCC Research Forecasts the Market for Disabled and Elderly Assistive Technologies

Assistive Technology Is Needed To Improve Deaf People Airport Experience

Mobilising technology: the app changing the lives of disabled children

The iCommunicator translates speech into text or sign language, includes database w/over 30K words

New Cleveland State lab aims to develop ‘smart’ prosthetics and mobility aids (video)

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