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AT in the news for the week of 7/15 – 7/19

New technology helps Swedish care for elderly

Adaptive assistive technologies for people with disabilities

DysWebxia: how to invent a dyslexia-friendly Web

HumanWare Announces Prodigi – A Breakthrough for People Living with Vision Loss

Canada subsidizes iPads for speech therapy

Disability rights advocates press for accessible technology

Tagging Alzheimer’s patients causes a rift

Can stem cell help make blind people see again? 10 patients suffering from RP have had their eyesight restored

Paralyzed artist paints with mind alone. A woman with Lou Gehrig’s disease paints using mind alone

America now has a smartphone and provider for the blind

Weight Watchers now offers accessible solutions for the blind and visually impaired

Computer programs help blind read, write music

Therapy Dog “Tinder” Helps Children with Disabilities

Help with managing finances for people with disabilities

Disability rights advocates press for accessible technology

FCC Launches Speaker Series on Innovation in Accessible Technologies

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