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Accessible Emergency Alerts

Contributed by Joel Zimba, Special Projects Coordinator, MDTAP

Over the weekend AT&T pushed a Carrier Update to iPhones, specifically the 4S and 5, though there are reports of iPhone 4 receiving the update as well.  This update to the carrier settings enables emergency alerts from AT&T.

After installing the update, I now have a new section in Notifications called “Government Alerts.”  There are two settings–Amber Alerts and Emergency Alerts.  Apparently, these can either be toggled on or off.

There are several services which can send out text messages or e-mail alerts for emergencies, but this service will work differently.  You will receive emergency alerts based on your current location, which makes more sense.

It’s unclear just how this service is implemented.  As it is provided by the carrier, the alerts may work more reliably and be sent out sooner than those from a 3rd party service.  This is a great way to stay abreast of emergency situations in your area.

Television and radio stations have provided alerts for some time, though these are not fully accessible.  Now, even the deaf blind population will be served appropriately simply by connecting a Braille Display to an iDevice.

This feature will eventually be supported by all smartphones on all carriers.   Given the wild weather we have had so far in Baltimore this Summer, I imagine it won’t be long before we see these alerts in action.

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