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It’s that time of year when parents scour stores and the Internet for the best deals on the toys their little ones are begging to have. But for the parents and families of children with special needs, finding the right toy can be a much larger challenge. Physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities can pose challenges for how a child interacts with a toy. Sometimes it’s a puzzle with auditory feedback that can make all the engagement difference for a child with autism, or a switch attached to a battery-operated toy so the kid who can’t manually operate the race car can now make it go “vroom” all on his own.

For those who are facing these challenges, we’d like to share some great resources on how to switch-adapt and D.I.Y those presents for all the little wonders in their lives!

This great and informative video “How to Make Your Own Adapted Switch Toys” is an excellent how-to for the everyday parent hoping to make a toy more engaging.

For the parent willing to get a little wet this holiday season, here are step-by-step instructions on a D.I.Y. Switch Adapted Water Blaster.

And for more generalized information on D.I.Y AT, including many toys, check out this Pinterest page for a ton of ideas.

Happy holidays and happy D.I.Y’ing!

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