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AT in the news for the week of 10/8 – 10/12

Smart bra acts as an early warning system for breast cancer

Low tech assistive technology – December 7 in Indy and online

U.S. Department of Education : Announces New App to Identify U.S. Currency

Special Education Concerns Emerge With Online Learning

A motorized wheelchair made from LEGO

Student petitions for accessible theater buildings

A new Apple app features actress Marlee Matlin teaching users to sign.

Buzz Aldrin bids to help people with disabilities to fly

Manatee stand allows you to use your iPad comfortably in bed

Girl Scout aims to enhance books for visually impaired

ASETNIOP concept designed to make touch typing on a touchscreen a might easier

Success, Social Value, and Personal Mission (Part One)

Insurers offer new programs to help disabled return to work

Technology gives disabled woman a voice

Tokyo University Adapting Videogame Technology to Help Physically Disabled Computer Users

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