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AT in the news for the week of 8/13 – 8/17

Video: An injured soldier’s customized bike accommodates his prosthetic arm for Leadville

Oscar Pistorius, technology, acceptance of the disabled have sparked interest

New French-Language Communication Aid App from MyVoice Inc.

Enabling DIY computing with innovations such as Raspberry Pi and Scratchteam’s programming language

Google launches inline caption editing for YouTube

Survey: Accessing Public Transit Buses Using a Ramp

Education wants to tailor Web content to visitors’ disabilities

The self-driving car logs more miles on new wheels

Physically challenged and fashionable

New hearing device helps those with single-side deafness

EyeRing voice-activated augmented reality device for the blind

Wheelchair-accessible taxis available in Prince George’s County, MD

Robot exoskeletons push boundaries for disabled

Mobile device helps teach academics, life skills to disabled child

Flutter dress vibrates when it hears loud noises

Access to high tech a challenge for students with disabilities

Nike Asked To Make Special Needs Shoes

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