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5 Great Ways to Make Your Home Disability-Friendly

Contributed by Guest Blogger Paul Deniken, DadKnowsDIY.com

There are a number of ways that you can modify your home to be more disability-friendly. However, many of these home improvements can be costly such as installing a ramp or stair lift. While some of these modifications are necessary, there are also options that will benefit yourself and others without breaking the bank. If you or someone you care about has a disability (or if you just want your home to be more accessible to guests), here are a few cheap tweaks you can make to your home’s accessibility.

Clear Your Walkways

For people who are either visually impaired or struggle with coordination, a cluttered walkway can spell disaster. Though younger people can recover from a fall with little more than their egos bruised, an older person can be seriously injured by such an accident.

It is also a good idea to ensure that these main areas of the house are well lit. A bright lighting fixture can make up for clutter or tight quarters depending on the disability of the person in question. If possible, you should both declutter and light the main walkways in your home.

Modify the Height of Handles

Doors, cabinets, and drawers can be out of reach for certain people. Whether they have a mobility problem or are smaller in stature than many people, these tall fixtures can make visiting or living in your home difficult. While moving the handles of your doors might be difficult, relocating the knobs on cabinets and drawers is much easier and more cost effective.

Create Lowered Spaces in Key Areas

Many people struggle with standing for long stretches of time. Things like cooking can become very difficult whether it is due to fatigue, limited mobility, or other such disabilities. A shortened space in the kitchen, for example, will allow a person to prepare food while seated. Being able to remain sitting while doing a task like cooking or showering can be hugely beneficial for many people.

Tack Rugs Down

Rugs that are not equipped with non-slip backing or mats can become very hazardous for someone with mobility problems. A wrong step or wobble can cause the rug to slip out from under the person, potentials resulting in serious injury. This is particularly important for elderly guests or residents who may not recover from such a fall.

Update Address Numbers

For many people with disabilities, it is common for emergency responders to come to the home. Certain illnesses or predispositions leave a person more accident prone or more at risk for falling ill. If your house’s address is difficult to see, that means emergency responders will take more time trying to find your home. Go to your local home improvement store and pick address numbers that are large, shiny, and easy to see regardless of time of day.

Making your home more accessible to all does not necessarily mean spending big money on huge improvements. Though some people will require larger modifications such as lifts or resized appliances, there are still many improvements you can make that will help. Even if all you can do is clear your floors of tripping hazards and install brighter lights, you are still doing your part to make your home welcoming to everyone.

Image via Pixabay by mploscar

One Response to “5 Ways to Make Your Home Disability Friendly, 11/15/16”

  1. janetmoore says:

    looking for stair lift for parents who are 80 years old having trouble get up and down the stairs.

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