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Link Contrast

Difficulty: Beginner


  • Presentation

Links should be clearly distinguishable from surrounding text. The default underline for links clearly distinguishes them visually. Underline should generally not be used for text that is not linked. If underlining is disabled in CSS for links, WCAG 2.0 requires sufficient contrast between the link text and the surrounding non-link text. Because the linked text and the non-linked text must also have sufficient contrast from the background, the window of colors available for non-underlined links is very narrow. WCAG 2.0 also requires that non-underlined links provide a non-color designator (typically addition of the underline) on both mouse hover and keyboard focus links are clearly differentiated as users interact with them. The easiest way to avoid these additional requirements is to underline your links by default.

One Response to “Link Contrast, Web Tip #24, 9/4/2013”

  1. mga auto says:

    A lot of this type of photography is dependent on two things. First of all, whether the clients are up for it, and secondly, whether enough time has been allocated to it. In 38 years as a professional photographer, I can almost count the number of such occasions on the thumbs of one foot! In the UK, where I’m based, venues generally try to rush everything through as quickly as possible to suit their own ends…

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