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A little late but worth the wait…AT in the news from last week 5/14-5/18

Paralyzed Woman Controls Robotic Arm … With. Her. Brain. (video)

Would you like to try Deque’s Worldspace Sync for free?

Imagine a theatre performance designed to communicate simultaneously with deaf, blind, sighted & hearing audiences

Bend Quadriplegic Gone (High-Tech) Fishin’

Technology accessibility is improving, but big challenges lie ahead

Science: The Solar Power Eye Implant Which Restores Sight

“App opens doors for disabled city dwellers”

Bluetooth Technology and People who are Hard of Hearing

I love you mum: First words of girl, 5, after being given high-tech laptop that helps her speak

iPad gives voice to kids with autism – CNN

Lancaster students using speech-generating devices – Lancaster Eagle Gazette

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