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The National Disability Finance Coalition (“NDFC”) proudly announces the establishment of the NDFC Trailblazer AwardThis award recognizes, rewards, and celebrates meaningful contribution to expanding accessibility within the community development finance field. The 2022 awardee will receive a $10,000 stipend and recognition at a ceremony in New York City.


Potential awardees may self-nominate or be nominated by someone familiar with their work. Eligible nominees are CDFIs and other mission-driven lenders providing financial products and services that benefit people with disabilities.


Nominees exemplify the following characteristics:

  • Track record of offering financial products and services to people with disabilities
  • Incorporating accessibility into diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies


Awardees may use the $10,000 stipend that comes with the award to further the accessibility commitment of their organization for internal use or as a pass-through to support current customers or strategic partners.


Please submit nominations by completing the Nominating Form by Friday, September 30, 2022. Please note NDFC Board member organizations are ineligible to apply for the award.


How to Nominate an Organization for the NDFC Trailblazer Award:


The nomination form can be accessed through this online link.


The information requested and nomination questions are as follows

Nominee Information:


  • Name of Organization:
  • Organization Type: (CDFI/Other)
  • Organization Website:
  • Address:
  • Person submitting the nomination:

o   Name

o   Organization

o   Role

o   Email

o   Phone


Nomination Criteria:

  • Explain how the nominee exemplifies one or more of the award criteria:

o   Track record offering financial products and services to people with disabilities

o   Incorporating accessibility into diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies

  • Provide a story to illustrate the nominee’s commitment to accessibility in community development finance. Pictures and/or links may be included.

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