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Finding the right device is challenging enough, but figuring out how to pay for it can be just as challenging!  Let AT Discount Sales and Service LLC help you find the best price for your device.  Are you an agency or school needing to purchase multiple devices?  Contact them for help to find the best prices-it’s easy to get started!  Just visit the website and complete a quote request form.  AT Discount Sales and Service LLC works with schools, organizations, community agencies, and individuals to help them find the best price and discounts for technology needs. 

There are always new devices being added to the list.  Check out the list here.  The latest includes new grips and clamps to allow people with various abilities access to drinking and phones without assistance.  


AT Discount Sales & Services LLC was formed in March 2014 by Amanda Cheong, who brings a wealth of knowledge given her more than 19 years of experience working in the field of Assistive Technology. Amanda truly believes in the power assistive technology offers individuals with disabilities for a better quality of life and more independence. 


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