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Bellman & Symfon Visit Alert System, Contributed by Erin Swann, MDTAP

For those with difficulty hearing sounds around the home, assistive technology can be used to convert audio information into other forms that are more easily detected. For example, the Bellman & Symfon Visit Alert System can be used to alert someone who is hard of hearing using flashing lights or vibrations.  This system provides alerts in the following four areas:

  • Doorbell detection
  • Telephone detection
  • Baby monitoring
  • Fire protection

The audio sounds produced by a doorbell, telephone, baby, or fire alarm are detected by a transmitter near the audio source and sent to a receiver near the user. Receivers are available in the following four forms:

  • Flash receiver
  • Pager receiver
  • Alarm clock
  • Wrist receiver

The type of receiver used depends on the needs and preferences of the user. The Maryland Technology Assistance Program has the pager receiver in our loan library for people with disabilities in Maryland to borrow along with a transmitter.  If you would like to borrow it, you can contact the Maryland Technology Assistance Program by calling 1-800-832-4827 or emailing mdtap@mdtap.org to set up an appointment.  Items in our loan library can be borrowed for up to four weeks at a time, so you can determine which assistive technology is right for you before purchasing it.

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