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You can “feel” an orchestra, climb stairs in a wheelchair, or lend your vision (by app) to someone who can’t see…We <3 technology.

AT in the news for the week of 1/17/16 thru 10/21/16.

New Jersey school explores wearables for students with disabilities

Would you “lend” your eyes to help someone see or read?

Closed captions, mappable controls, audio cues, colorblind-friendly, and more for game accessibility 

North Clare researcher begins work on soft exoskeleton to aid mobility

The first Cybathlon pushed the limits of bionic technology

President Obama, White House host science, technology conference at CMU

This Assistive Technology Lets Us Control Computers With Face Movements

The FCC’s new white paper highlights accessibility challenges for people w/ cognitive disabilities

What nontraditional texts are great for struggling readers?

Rolling this wheelchair’s wheels backwards somehow propels it forward

[Video] This Hi-Tech Clothing Could Help Deaf People ‘Feel’ an Orchestra

How can technology remove barriers for people with disability?  

A Reboot For Wheelchair That Can Stand Up And Climb Stairs

Where does a student with dyslexia find accessible Boy Scouts Manuals? Bookshare

UL scientists to help build ‘smart clothing’ of the future

This Groundbreaking Exo-Glove Promises Independence For Its Disabled Users

FREE Stanford Course Explores the Design, Development, and Use of Assistive Technology

“There’s an app for that:” Using Technology to Improve Geriatric Care

One Response to “AT News Wrap Up, 10/21/16”

  1. Minden pártállástól és körülménytől függetlenül felmérhetetlen jelentőségű az a körülmény, hogy mostantól nem "PuskasKocsisCzibor" vagy "TschikoschGulaschHortobagi" jelenti Magyarországot Nyugat-Európában, hanem az Orbán-féle unortodox viselkedés vagy szabadságharc. Gyanús, megbízhatatlan néppé váltunk. Én nem ezt akartam.

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