AT in the news for the week of 6/24 thru 6/28
Tech Breakthroughs Target Disabled Consumers
Technibilt to Make Disabled-Person’s Cart
Graduate student’s proposal for Google Glass is accepted by Google
Paraplegic man builds his own ramp on a public building when officials wouldn’t
Magnolia Company gets $150000 grant to develop device for sight-impaired people
AbleGamers Charity’s 2013 Summer of Fun submissions open, grants
EU Helps People With Disabilities Find Assistive Technology
SmartTV technology opens more communication lines for deaf, hard of hearing
The Man With A ‘Battery Operated Brain
The Top 10 iPad Apps for Special Education
Sydney unveils Braille street signs
Faculty responsible for making online materials accessible for disabled students
US Film industry tries to weaken copyright treaty for blind people
ABC to alter its apps for visually disabled
Blind to Get First Chance at Written Remote Math Conversations
High-tech gains get disabled people into workforce